9th April 2020

Dhaka, April 9, 2020 (PR) - In the wake of the global coronavirus pandemic many medical workers are unsafe as they render healthcare to patients. To support Bangladesh’s health and medical workers who are serving selflessly, Summit Group and China Merchant Port Group (“CMPort”) have jointly provided high quality two thousand Protective Suits and fifty thousand masks specifically made for this purpose. The air freight consignment of protective suits and masks weighing near 900 KG along with two thermal scanners were handed over as per the guideline of the government to the Central Medical Store Depot (CMSD) under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) located in Tejgaon, Dhaka. CMSD will be distributing the suits and masks to the various health service institutions.


Muhammed Aziz Khan, Chairman of the Summit Group remarked, “We are most grateful to be of support to Bangladesh. We had initially sent five thermal scanners and now we have sent two more thermal scanners, masks and protective suits for medical professionals. ”


Dr. Bai Jingtao, CEO of CMPort said, “In recognising the great friendship between the people of Bangladesh and China, CMPort is willing to standby and assist Bangladesh to tackle coronavirus. We are very happy to make the donation together with Summit Group. ”


Summit Group and China Merchants Port Group are long standing business partners. Both groups are working together on investing in creating world class operational efficiency of port and port-related facilities in Bangladesh.

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