18th March 2023
EP Report

Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) moved to install a 60-100 megawatt gas-fired power plant within a 15-year period under the 'no electricity no payment' policy, said an official.


Under the Special Power Act, the initiative was taken after the discovery of new gas at the Bhola north gas field.


According to the BPDB sources, the Aggreko International Projects Ltd (AIPL) made the proposal to the Ministry of Power and Energy to set up a 60-100MW high efficiency gas-fired power project under no electricity no payment basis.


The ministry then asked the BPDB to evaluate the proposal.


The AIPL already enjoyed a four-year period to supply electricity from the 95MW rental power plant in Bhola and another three years for supplying power from the Asuganj rental power plant.

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