7th August 2022
EP Report

The country's first wind power project is being implemented in Khurushkul of Cox's Bazar Sadar upazila.


A Chinese vessel arrived in Chattogram Port recently with huge quantity of wind power plant articles.


Meanwhile, the State Minister for Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid laid the foundation stone of the project in March last.


The wind power plant would generate 60MW of electricity. Besides, there will be another wind park in Inani capable of generating 50MW of electricity, said State Minister Nasrul.


The director of the project in Khurushkul, Mukit Alam Khan, said the government is constructing the plant at a cost of Tk 900 crore.


The project will be completed by December, the electricity generated by this plant will be connected to the national grid after meeting local demand.


It is being implemented by US-DK Green Energy (BD) Ltd. Under the project, a total of 22 wind turbines would be installed to generate 60 MW of power.

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