4th September 2024

Gas has been found at a new location in Begumganj gas field through drilling a well.


According to state-owned Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration and Production Company Limited (Bapex), the testing results in the Begumganj-4 (West) well are showing a good prospect for the gas field.


“We hope, initially it will produce 10-15 million cubic feet (MMCFD) of gas per day,” said a Bapex official.


He informed that gas was found at the new location at three separate layers of the field during drilling that went to a depth of 3113 meters. The distance of the new location is about 2.5 km from the existing well which has been producing 8-10 MMCFD of gas.


He noted that gas structures were identified at 3081 meter, 2500 meter and 1900 meter. “But now we're producing from the layer at 3081-3055 meter.”

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