11th April 2024

Thursday 11 April 2024 (PR) - The final countdown to the 26th World Energy Congress has commenced and participants around the world are eagerly anticipating what will be the most significant international energy and climate convening of the next decade.

The World Energy Congress will be held from 22-25 April in Rotterdam – the heart of Europe’s energy transition – at the Rotterdam Ahoy Convention Centre. The event will bring together global delegates, Ministers, C-suite executives, NGOs, students, activists, academics and other energy representatives to unite all stakeholders under the theme: Redesigning Energy for People and Planet.

International in scope, the Congress will convene the leading energy voices from all corners of the world, including China, the Middle East and other regions actively shaping the future energy agenda. There is no greater opportunity to be at the center of leadership thinking and constructive action on energy transitions.

"For 100 years we have convened power for the common good,” said Dr Angela Wilkinson, World Energy Council Secretary General and CEO. “At our centennial World Energy Congress in Rotterdam, we will harness the collective experience and expertise of global energy leadership to make the world’s energy systems fit for purpose."

With world class speakers, impact-driven programming and a focus on humanizing energy, here’s what to expect at the 26th World Energy Congress:

Diverse programming

The 2024 program will explore the breadth and depth of the rapidly evolving energy sector – from shifting technologies and the question of financing to the impact of geopolitics; levers accelerating energy transitions; and the changing needs of energy users.

World-class speakers

·      Over 60 impact-focussed sessions led by a range of world-class speakers including:

·      His Excellency Rob Jetten, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Climate and Energy Policy, the Netherlands

·      Xin Baoan, Chairman, Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO) and Chairman, China Electricity Council (CEC)

·      Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations James Ferguson Skea, IPCC Chair

·      Mary Robinson, Adjunct Professor for Climate Justice in Trinity college Dublin

Action-oriented themes

·      The program will revolve around five core topics central to progressing clean and inclusive energy transitions:

·      Navigating new energy maps: Bridging the new and emerging realities of global energy transitions

·      Refuelling the future: Leveraging a greater mix of energy sources, solutions, and services

·      Humanizing energy: Engaging people and communities in making global energy transitions happen

·      Pathfinding with the world energy trilemma: Connecting energy security, affordability and sustainability

·      Closing the gaps: Enabling faster, fairer and more far-reaching energy transitions


From business, government, community leaders and policy makers, to civil society, entrepreneurs, future leaders and media – the World Energy Congress offers attendees a unique opportunity to connect with the brightest minds, creative thinkers and key decision makers leading the future of energy.

The World Energy Council is accepting final registration for the Congress, with a range of options for members and delegates, media students and groups. Register here: https://worldenergycongress.org/rotterdam/registration/

About the World Energy Council

The World Energy Council is the world's oldest independent and impartial community of energy leaders and practitioners. Through our Humanizing Energy vision, we involve more people and communities in accelerating clean and just energy transitions in all world regions.

Formed in 1923, the Council has convened diverse interests from across the full energy ecosystem for a century, and today has over 3,000 member organizations and a presence in more than 100 countries. Our global network draws from governments, private and state corporations, academia and civil society, as well as current and future energy leaders.

We effectively collaborate on impact programs and inform local, regional and global energy agendas in support of our enduring mission: to promote the sustainable use and supply of energy for the benefit of all people. Further details at www.worldenergy.org and on LinkedIn and Twitter.

About the World Energy Congress

For 100 years, the World Energy Congress has convened the cooperative power of the world energy community to turn inspiration into action. As the global flagship platform of the World Energy Council, the World Energy Congress reaches across the public, private and civic sectors to connect and inspire leaders and practitioners from within and beyond energy.

Hosted in cities across the world since 1924, the Congress is a unique space for the world energy community to address challenges of energy for people and planet, catalyse new co-operations and build multiple better pathways for global energy transitions.

With around 18,000 total attendees including 7,000 delegates, 70 Ministers and a sizeable media contingent, the World Energy Congress is a globally recognised, world-class event that welcomes leaders from all corners of the world as they come together to enable solutions and deliver impact in an era of energy for people and planet. Ministers, C-suite executives, NGOs, experts, academics, and young entrepreneurs - the Congress hosts the full spectrum of the energy sector and its value chain.

The 26th World Energy Congress is now open to book participation as a delegate, exhibitor, exhibition visitor and media. You may also register your interest to be a sponsor or a media partner. Further information at World Energy Congress and @WECongress.

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