4th April 2024

Five security personnel, including two Ansar members, at the Rampal Coal-Fired Thermal Power Plant sustained injuries following a “robbery attempt” by a group of assailants on Wednesday night. Report UNB


The attack occurred in the No 5 yard near No 3 tower within the plant's premises.


Deputy General Manager Anwarul Azim reported that approximately 50-60 armed individuals attempted to infiltrate residential areas of the power plant around 11:30 pm. The guards faced aggression when they endeavored to thwart the attackers' entry, resulting in injuries.


Of the injured, two were urgently transported to Khulna Medical College and Hospital for medical attention, while the remaining three received treatment at the Rampal Upazila Health Complex.


This violent incident transpired merely 48 hours after a series of bank robberies in Ruma and Thanchi upazilas of Bandarban district, raising concerns over a possible pattern of organized criminal activities.


Somen Das, the officer-in-charge of Rampal Police Station, confirmed that law enforcement is actively pursuing leads to identify and apprehend the culprits. As a precautionary measure, additional police forces have been deployed to secure the power plant and its surrounding areas, aiming to prevent further incidents and ensure the safety of the plant's personnel and infrastructure.


That police are conducting drives in different parts of the district, said the OC.


The attackers tried to enter the power plant in an attempt to commit robbery, he said.  


Police have already arrested a number of people in this connection and they are now under interrogation, he added.


Legal steps will be taken after getting a written complaint, said OC Somen.

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