12th November 2023

Leaders of Civil society organizations (CSOs) at a seminar on Saturday demanded a strong government position for a realistic NDC [National Determined Contribution] from the big emitters achieving 1.5-degree temperature goal in upcoming CoP 28 [Conference of the Parties] global climate conference. Report UNB

They also advised the government to demand for a stand-alone L&D Fund to manage the losses due to climate change impact.

The seminar was jointly organized by COAST foundation, An Organization for Socio-Economic Development [AOSED], Bangladesh Climate Journalist Forum [BCJF], Climate Action Network, South Asia Bangladesh [CANSA-BD], Centre for Participatory Research & Development [CPRD] Coastal Development Partnership [CDP], Centre for Sustainable Rural Livelihood [CSRL],, Equity and Justice Working Group, Bangladesh [EquityBD]), LEDERS and LDC Watch-Nepal.

The seminar, which was held at CIRDAP Auditorium, was moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of EquityBD.

Special Envoy to the Prime Minister for Climate Change Saber Hossain Chowdhury, MP, was present as the chief guest and Barrister Shameem Haider Patwary, MP, as special guest in the seminar chaired by Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmed, Chairman- Dhaka School of Economics.

Among others, Directors of Department of Environment [DoE] Ziaul Haque and Mirza Shawkat Ali, Sharif Jami of Water Keepers-BD, Md. Shamsuddoha of CPRD, Fazle Rabbi Sadeki Ahmed of PKSF, Ziaul Hoque Mukta of CSRL, M. Ahsanul Wahed of MJF, Rabeya Begum, Chair-CANSA-BD, Afsari Begum of Concern Worldwide, and many others spoke at the event. Aminul Hoque from EquityBD presented the key notes of the seminar.

In his key note presentation, Aminul Hoque said that, the CoP 28 is crucial as there first global stock take will be proceeded on the progress of Paris Agreement implementation where many targets assume failed to achieve.

He criticizes the developed country’s role and gambling with 1.5-degree and finance goal that jeopardized rest of world in fighting climate change.

He also condemned USA and their allies for failed to achieve a common position for dedicated L & D Fund that we demanded.

In the context he also put some recommendations for Bangladesh government negotiation team in upcoming CoP 28 that included big emitters must revise their NDCs to achieve “Zero Emission” target by 2050 achieving 1.5-degree goal instead of so called “Net Zero”, Take strong position for a stand-alone L&D fund in CoP 28 agenda, and New Climate finance architecture must be as a non-debt instrument for MVCs. That means the NCQG [New Collective and Quantified Goal] on Finance should priorities grants first, then highly concessional finance followed by CBDR&RC [Common But Differentiated Responsibility & Respective Capacity] that was historically attributed for MVC only to fight climate change.

In his speech, the chief guest Saber Hossen Chowdhury opined that the current UNFCCC [United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change] process is faulty, that’s why most important decision could not be taken if opposed by only one country as per agreement. We must focus and raise voice to change the process indeed, because privileged the condition we are creating deep crisis and success going far. Upcoming CoP is very important as GST [Global Stock take] will conduct and there 1.5 degree will be center of the negotiation and must be targeted based on the update science.

Barrister Shamim Haider said that global climate negotiation is now a sinking ship and should not expect much. We also observe the problem we are facing is somehow unable to present effectively in CoP which do not bring result as well. We have to prepare our vulnerability assessment and properly present with an effective climate finance model that will be expected and accepted by global community.

Ziaul Hoque Director-DoE said that UNFCCC has some limitation and CBDRRC global picture has been changed over last decades. That’s why we have to do negotiate followed by country driven climate action rather than legally binding options. However, we have to focus reducing GHG emission as per 1.5 degree goal and we are working for political declaration in upcoming CoP 28 negotiation, he said.

Fazle Rabbi Sadeki said that 50-60% climate fund on adaptation is coming as loan that’s creating a debt-trap for LDCs [Least Developing Countries]. So we should reconsider the problem of climate finance doing business by developed countries and raise voice to stop it.

Sharif Jamil said we have to fight against the global north as they are big emitters but saving own country interest also imperative for science-based data, evidence and policy coherent in the negotiation to force the deep reduction of GHGs by big emitters.

Ziaul Hoque Mukta and others demand for new round of climate regime and negotiation process in the face of existing failure of reducing GHGs and limiting global temperature. They also demand to put the Paris Agreement in the parliament for country approval and actions accordingly.

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