The power supply situation is better this year while some 93 percent of the population has the access to grid or non-grid electricity. Only the people of few far flung islands remain out of the power supply. It is expected that they would be brought under the supply by 2021 to ensure power for all by then. The power generation would also be able to meet the demand at that time. However, the concern now is that the consumers are yet to get quality and uninterrupted supply of electricity. Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) claims that there is no load shedding now. But the system has not yet achieved the required transmission and distribution capacity, causing disruptions in supply. Authorities concerned say they are working on fixing the problems with applying modern technologies, but it would take as many as five more years to implement the development projects, which is expected to help mitigate the supply disruptions and improve the quality of supply. Quality power without interruption is the demand of time. Starting from consumers at all segments of power sector, application of appropriate technology and efficient use needed to be ensured. This cannot be achieved in a natural calamity-prone country like Bangladesh without taking power cables and substations underground.