Download Link for Energy & Power Vol 20 Issue 19 (March 16, 2023) as PDF/userfiles/EP_20_19.pdf
A severe explosion took place in the basement of a building at Siddique Bazar in Dhaka on March 7, leaving at least 24 people dead and around a hundred injured. Initial investigations suggest that the accident occurred from accumulated methane gas in a confined space. The explosion was so powerful that it blew the concrete structure into pieces and the rubbles badly hit the nearby pedestrians and moving buses. It was not the first such incident in the country. Earlier, few other accidents of similar nature also took place in the city and elsewhere. The ones at Moghbazar in the capital and in Tollabag Mosque of Narayanganj could be mentioned notably due to their devastation. Habitats in the cities, towns, or villages are no longer out of danger of such gas-bomb explosions. Many fear that the entire country is now at a greater risk as accidents from unauthorized use of CNG cylinders, misuse of LPG, and gas accumulations from leaked distribution systems or sewerage lines have almost become a way of life now. Discussion continues only for a few days after such incidents and parties responsible for making the gas supply chain risk-free immediately lock horns on a mere blame game.
Modern civic life has no escape from the use of energy. But safety needs to be ensured at all segments of the supply chain.
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