The customer services and distribution system of Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited (DESCO) are expected to achieve international standard by 2030. The main objective would be ensuring uninterrupted supply of quality power to all. In some regions of DSECO franchise, we will be ready for providing such services by 2025. We are proceeding towards that end.
Engr. Kawsar Amir Ali, Managing Director of DESCO, expressed the hope in an exclusive interview with Energy & Power Editor Mollah Amzad Hossain.
Bangladesh like other parts of the world is passing through a very special circumstance over the past 15 months due to the COVID pandemic. What kind of challenges DESCO as a power distribution utility experienced over this period? What types of special initiatives are in place to encounter the challenges?
We have three areas of challenges – customer services, system operation and keeping the development projects going. We could achieve 100 percent implementation of development projects even during the pandemic. During this period, especially during the lockdown, we could ensure quality customer services to all through undertaking special arrangements. We provided services digitally and our customers now feel comfortable with on line services. Taking meter-reading was a great challenge. It was extremely difficult at the early stage. But now it has become possible to take 100 percent meter-reading for preparing bills. Excepting three Eid days it would now be possible taking meter-reading on all other days.
The major problem was uninterrupted system operation. We achieved success in that as well. Our efforts are now yielding results and the situation is improving day by day. Initiatives have been taken to increase awareness of the customers to avoid interruptions in the supply system due to throwing of clothes on power cables from high-rise buildings. Initiatives have also been taken for encouraging users to purchase dropout cutout materials from DESCO stores as use of poor quality materials are among reasons for power interruptions. Special action programs have also been launched for quality maintenance. Actions have been taken for eliminating Jumper failures. Power interruption incidents are now manually monitored. For getting more accurate information, initiative has been taken for automated monitoring.
Has there been any adverse impact of COVID-19 on revenue earnings?
The pandemic has reduced the power use in the industrial and commercial sectors. But it increased in domestic sector. The average tariff fixed for DESCO by Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC) is TK 8.07/unit. But DESCO gets TK 8.05/unit. During the COVID, we are actually losing TK 0.02 /unit from power sales.
Account receivables increased since the early stage of the COVID outbreak. BGMEA has requested for realizing their bills in installments. Many hospitals could not pay their bills on time. But on humanitarian grounds, we had to keep the supply going. Now all bill payments are up to date.
A recent analysis of Consumers Association of Bangladesh (CAB) evidenced that the bulk power price increased by 111 % and retail by 90% over the past 11 years. But the customer services did not improve in consistent with that. What is DESCO’s observation?
I think, there is no scope for bringing such allegations. The customer service is improving consistently. It is far better now than any time in the past. There is no loadshedding now. There are also bare minimum issues in power supply. Any consumer can access required information at any time. Providing services through apps have also started. In the near future, the consumers can also know about their bills and accounts of 12 months using apps. It is not fair blaming that the customer services did not improve along side power tariff increase.
How long DESCO would take to ensure quality power supply on uninterruptible basis like all industrially developed countries? What actions DESCO is taking to ensure that?
We are taking two-dimensional approach to address the issue. Within the present system, we have introduced dual-source supply of electricity from all 33/11 KV sub stations. But it takes about 15-20 minutes to swap switches as the system is still being operated manually. We are going for automation soon. That will make the system more reliable.
We could bring the number of overloaded distribution substations to minimum by now. By increasing their capacities, we should soon get completely out of this problem. DESCO has engaged consultants for conducting surveys in its franchise area to take distribution system underground. On priority basis, Purbachol 21 feeders of Gulshan-Banani-Baridhara and power distribution line from Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport to Mohakhali are being buried underground. These would take 5-7 years. It would be possible to inform how long it would require to take the entire system underground after we get the report of the consultant. But the reasonable target is 2030.
Tongi is the lone industrial zone under DESCO franchise area. But the power supply is not yet uninterrupted and reliable there. Some projects were under implementation there prior to the outbreak of the COVID pandemic. How long will it take for ensuring quality, uninterrupted power supply at Tongi industrial area?
The 133/32/11 KV and 33/11 KV substations have already been installed there for achieving the objective. For extracting desired benefits from these, there are some outstanding connectivity. We have sought road cutting permissions from the city corporation. As soon as we get the permission, it would be possible to complete the outstanding works within 2-3 months.
The distribution utilities have no legal obligations for ensuring efficient use of power. But DESCO also has some moral obligations for assisting government’s vision of achieving energy efficiency. Is DESCO taking any special initiative for this?
Till now, DESCO has not taken any such initiative particularly for this. But in our website, we are encouraging the consumers to use power efficient. But like UJALA program of India, we are contemplating to introduce measures like supplying LED lights and other power-efficient appliances. The company would make investment and coordinate with the consumers.
Our planned initiative for creating awareness of school children about efficient use of electricity could not be launched for COVID outbreak. Books are ready for this and the program would start as soon as schools resume business as usual.
Industrial and Commercial users have started setting up rooftop solar plants taking advantage of the government introduced net-metering system. Has there been any such work in your franchise area? What are your plans to encourage the entrepreneurs?
Around 70 customers of DESCO have already installed rooftop solar taking advantage of the net-metering system. We are encouraging all our industrial consumers to go for such option.
What is your opinion about letting out power supply retail services to private companies?
When I was working in BPDB power supply retail services under two feeders in Chittagong was given to private sector under KfW project. It proved successful. The system loss came down to below 4%. The customer services also improved than that of the BPDB. In my opinion, for creating better environment of competition, such model can be replicated in the franchise areas of other distribution utilities.
Where does DESCO envisions to reach in matters of customer services and other areas by 2030? What are you doing to achieve those?
The GIS mapping of DESCO command area has been completed. It would be connected to the SCADA system as soon as it becomes operational. Any incident of interruption would be instantaneously identified and assessed, and actions to be taken accordingly. The period of interruptions would then be greatly minimized. We have already mentioned that the feeder swapping would be automated soon. Distribution system would be progressively buried underground. Before 2030, DESCO would be able to provide customer services as efficiently as any other international power distribution standard. In some areas, it would be possible to do that in only 2-3 years of time.